Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Getting Ready- Kids and Mum(Narrator)

This is about a common morning conversation between Kids and Mum in most of the world. 

“Sharvik! Sharvik! Come on get up, it is 8:11 now, we have to move in 29 minutes,” Sheaa shouted. It is your daily routine; I will tell mom that I am not going to school with you anymore; “please get up, hurry” she pleaded.

“Ahh! Do not shout in the morning, go and have your breakfast, I will be ready on time,” Sharvik murmured opening left eye.

Mom! Where are you? Sheaa asked.

“I am here baby. Come,” I said.

“Come to kitchen; see I have made sandwiches for your lunch box. Sharvik will like these.”

“Oh Momma! Today he will surely love to eat them at home, coz he is still in his dreamland,” Sheaa thought.

Where is your bro?

“He is still sleeping,” Sheaa said slowly.

“This boy is totally careless. What will he do in future?” I doubt.

“Mom it is very late, I have to go now,” Sheaa said.

Meanwhile, I saw Sheaa face expression, which says that, she is not going to school without brother. Her stupid bro is still sleeping in a slapdash fashion, as if there is nothing important in the world than this business. Oh God what am I thinking? He is just six. Now I again speculate how could Sheaa be more grown up, she is also six year old. Both of them...ahh cell phone ringing...... I am thrilled as I see “Dad calling”. That was a week ago when I talked to him last; otherwise, mom is always in touch.

Hello dad, how are you? “Phone disconnected!”

These are the times when I think that all Network service provider companies must be fined. I mean it is very embarrassing when you get a call from your parents and just after a hello; they disconnect coz of network problem.  I am really longing to talk with him but the call is not connecting. “Dad might be also calling again,” I thought as I put cell phone down.

Sharvik! Get up!

Sharvik my sweet little boy. He looks so cute while sleeping that I remember the day when both of them were born. The twin siblings Sharvik and Sheaa. The gems of my heart.
However, by this time I have to wake up this lazy Sid.
“Sid! Wake up boy. I have made your favourite sandwich. Get up fast and brush your teeth. Open your eyes open your ears and feel the fresh wind,” I said with all motherly sweetness.

Sid gave no response except snoozing a little.

Suddenly Sheaa shouted “Mom come and see a big mouse in the mouse trap.”

“Where is the mouse? Is it bigger than doggy?” Sid speaks suddenly, jumps from the bed in a hurry. He fell once in the way, but that does not bother him above a simple mouse.

“Go and brush your teeth, stupid!” I shouted.

Meanwhile, cell phone rings once again. I jumped to catch the call, thinking of dad.